the filosofi it was
simpel ' have know and make new frends b'cos we all only a traveler on this
planet earth given as blessed from above' I live 3,5km below crater mounth lokon and it was a simpel two flor minahasa tradisional old wood house and mybe be cos the viuw and get the local fealing to alive stay close to activ vulcanic locon mounth the home it was about 3,5km from activ crater ,so u will alweisy,offcourse if you luck mybe you will wake up se every morning see stem come out from crater vulcanic lokon as your air breath..^^...come and stay whit us in local simpel, normal minahasa area vilage kinilow city tomohon north sulawesi indonesia...and i only open it for internasional guest,student,famely,frends be blesses ...😁 and i home/simpel extra room for guest house
as a start point to explore Tomohon tourism and every thing about tomohon like
culiner,culture,nature ect.^^
about the accomodation room it's standart, the acomodation it was normaly asian famely house the bad and the cover and pilow not new but clean at loundry and the toilet not sitting but squat and youse the normaly famley kicthen and tabel to eat hope u can understand our local normaly famely standart...and my cost...and my cost was cash old ways style payment in home b'cos i have a bad experience whit pay pal or other way to pay on internet they send my money to other peopel so please pay me cash whit it was several room so you will choice free and negoitation at home for 5 diferent room it was start from 10$ to 20$ to 30$ in US Dollar : or in indonesia kurs at Rp.13.000 for $1 Dollar US for 1 day rp 100.000 -rp 250.000 to - rp 390.000 and for some special time u can have free to stay at my home becos live its not all about money but love from above... u can pay whit dollar or rupiah or other nation curensy money....the home was 2 first it was in kinilow this is my parents 'Togas-Polakitan' and the second it was in my sister home at kakaskasen kainde-togas famely and the history it start only for guest, b'cos i have some extra room and sometime have visit by frend or famely,from overseas that like travel see tomohon, so i make some room in my home as a guest room and promote tourism informatin center of minahasa culture and grow to become home stay,
THE ROAD TO APELES'Z HOUSE VILAGE KINILOW CITY TOMOHON NORTH SULAWESI INDONESIA.... and if you like to come her at tomohon you can contac me by facebook, airbnb, couchasurfing ,indojungkie,traveloka just googel it etc or by phone this is my addres : indonesia at north sulawesi 085240109300 or 089637512035 .. it was 1 hour from, can use taxi direct to my place rom airport u just give this addres to taxi it ..VIAN TOGAS..first home...
1.home is in kinilow near to the main road to go to tomohon at kinilow in jalan waruga lingkungan 4 a wood house two flor BESIDE GOVERMENT OFFICE OF KINILOW BUILDING or just ask any local they now it an dwill help u ..^^
2.and my other home second home.belong by my sister at .P/A JOULA POULA ROSE TOGAS...LINGK II RT 000 RW 000 JL OKOI NO 427...KAKASKASEN TOMOHON..UTARA TOMOHON 95000...CITY TOMOHON...NORTH SULAWESI....INDONESIA
..or from air port u go whit mikrolet to paal 2 station and to karombasan/ranotana stasion to find bus to go to tomohon or just ask in street peopel will help u for free...and u can check at googel map for some tourism spot in my place like mouth mahawu,locon and lake linow,extreme market tomohon,flower are etc and from my place u can make it as sampel for east indonesia visited and from her u can down at togian island at gorontalo and down a cros sulawesi island to makasar and to bali and to jakarta...have a nice trip...^^
AND THE RULE IS : SAVETY FIRST AND VIUW SECOND THER IS TREE assertive rule 1. please not to say yes to all the local invitation or not just go whit other local peopel you meet find make frend on the way to tourism b'cos not every body can be trust AND not go back to late at nigth or if u not go back sleep at home stay and whit out, not check out and still have stuff in room but you go sleep on other place or go some place whit out check out or tell the staf,in the early morning me or my staf will make report at police office about loosing guest event it was only for 1 nigth becos we care for your safety first AND 3 if u like to going back at airport in the morning becos plane going to go at morning about 4 to 10 a clock am'' you should go back stay to manado so u will be much more easy go to airport in the early morning So savety first before viuw and please alweisy walk on the guided road and save one.. b cos all risk it was by your own reponsibilty ..and dont forget to looks room and take your room key and door key at my staf house ody and dody they litel bit uniq so u have to ask him slowly b'cos he can understand what u say but sometime can not know what to say to reply it..but thats the uniq condition when u stay in the and whit in local..^^ can stay from my home as a start point to explore Tomohon tourism
and every thing about tomohon and serounding it, like culiner,culture,nature
ect,but i only can give you a simpel acomoddation lika a bad and shower and
drink and some simple food but if you like some nice food you can find it near
my home at local food market about wifi internet you can youse from my destop
for free ....from my home you can see the local work from bamboo to make a hend
made daily need...and then find some local cookie make in my area and se a rock
mining,locon,mahawu,etc...and by walk or can youse local taxi whit loc price to
go to extrema market tomohon...or can go to mahawu mountein....if you like to
go to locon you must take goverment permision at govermen wacth office for
vulcanis...and the other are i think you must find it whit your self and don't
worry if you are lost the cell phone signal is good in my place so you can call
me and i will go to help you...^^ live curios and be respectful you all
be respectful you all
about the accomodation room it's standart, the acomodation it was normaly asian famely house the bad and the cover and pilow not new but clean at loundry and the toilet not sitting but squat and youse the normaly famley kicthen and tabel to eat hope u can understand our local normaly famely standart...and my cost...and my cost was cash old ways style payment in home b'cos i have a bad experience whit pay pal or other way to pay on internet they send my money to other peopel so please pay me cash whit it was several room so you will choice free and negoitation at home for 5 diferent room it was start from 10$ to 20$ to 30$ in US Dollar : or in indonesia kurs at Rp.13.000 for $1 Dollar US for 1 day rp 100.000 -rp 250.000 to - rp 390.000 and for some special time u can have free to stay at my home becos live its not all about money but love from above... u can pay whit dollar or rupiah or other nation curensy money....the home was 2 first it was in kinilow this is my parents 'Togas-Polakitan' and the second it was in my sister home at kakaskasen kainde-togas famely and the history it start only for guest, b'cos i have some extra room and sometime have visit by frend or famely,from overseas that like travel see tomohon, so i make some room in my home as a guest room and promote tourism informatin center of minahasa culture and grow to become home stay,
THE ROAD TO APELES'Z HOUSE VILAGE KINILOW CITY TOMOHON NORTH SULAWESI INDONESIA.... and if you like to come her at tomohon you can contac me by facebook, airbnb, couchasurfing ,indojungkie,traveloka just googel it etc or by phone this is my addres : indonesia at north sulawesi 085240109300 or 089637512035 .. it was 1 hour from, can use taxi direct to my place rom airport u just give this addres to taxi it ..VIAN TOGAS..first home...
1.home is in kinilow near to the main road to go to tomohon at kinilow in jalan waruga lingkungan 4 a wood house two flor BESIDE GOVERMENT OFFICE OF KINILOW BUILDING or just ask any local they now it an dwill help u ..^^
2.and my other home second home.belong by my sister at .P/A JOULA POULA ROSE TOGAS...LINGK II RT 000 RW 000 JL OKOI NO 427...KAKASKASEN TOMOHON..UTARA TOMOHON 95000...CITY TOMOHON...NORTH SULAWESI....INDONESIA
..or from air port u go whit mikrolet to paal 2 station and to karombasan/ranotana stasion to find bus to go to tomohon or just ask in street peopel will help u for free...and u can check at googel map for some tourism spot in my place like mouth mahawu,locon and lake linow,extreme market tomohon,flower are etc and from my place u can make it as sampel for east indonesia visited and from her u can down at togian island at gorontalo and down a cros sulawesi island to makasar and to bali and to jakarta...have a nice trip...^^
PLEASE READ my first then viuw second...and 2"dont email me becos i not alweisy open my laptop"becost sometime can be busy whit out internet and laptop, u can direct call/contec me at phone/whats up 085240109300/089637512035 or u can direct to home and see some room i have keeper ther in the homestay just say vian frends then they will call me... or chat on my phone at facebook oktavianus imanuel togas or instagram vian togas"...and i am get old so sometime just forget somethings....what a live ...@@
and some rule when u are in local..1.behavior good keep your attitude,respect all local cultural habits etc and don't shout angry at the public.2.if u go to remote not a tourist place make some riset to at googel etc and when arived report to the local securty/goverment.3.if u make change deal the reponsiblty was on your hand... as long u know the rule u can enjoy 100% free walk wher ever u like...
opinion of my frends from wells ^^ “Vian is an excellent host, very
knowledgeable and enthusiastic. A person who taught us so much about Indonesian
culture in just two short days and a wealth of knowledge if you want to hike or
visit local attractions like the volcanoes and lakes. Tomohon is a great little
town, very friendly people and many restaurants and a delicious food market.
Staying with Vian is very much a homestay arrangement. The accomodation is a
normal Indonesian family house, this means a shared squat toilet and no shower
or sink (bucket) and a very basic bedroom. This is not a '5 star hotel' as Vian
jokes! This is an authentic experience and Vian and his family are very
hospitable and many of his relatives arrived with vegan food when we mentioned
that we were not meat eaters. What the accomodation lacked in value, quality
and comfort, it was made up for by delicious homecooked meals and pure
kindness. This is not your average Air B&B experience and for that reason
it's not for everyone. The family rise early and there can be load music and
lots of laughter and shouting throughout the day. If you're looking for comfort
and a chill, there are plenty of hotels in the area. If you are looking for a
real rustic travel experience and lots of smiles, go for Vian's place.”...
and u can check at you tube addres for some viuw
AND thengs my new frends khafid from bandung for the drone and 20 minute viuw from sky, b'cos of it i can see from the top of my home apeles'z house area in kinilow a lot viuw like...1. at day and nigth ligth around kinilow area/landscape and, 2. go to North for manado viuw,sea viuw and, 3. go to East can see mahawu,high hills and, 4.go South for city tomohon and, 5.go West for lokon mounth and... plus a tondano lake,rock mining,bamboo handy craft area at street and sea of manado include old manado island and other mounthein and crater of locon whit full viuw 360' degree and other els landscape etc....totaly a blessed above from lovely creator ..^^ thengs..have a good time for all..
mount lokon (124.8327,1.3633) 2016.11.04
gps (124.8462,1.3643,18) barometer : 490.0
iso :100 shutter : 640 ev : 0 fnum : f2.8..
apeles'z house drone 1.36318 124.83275
it was 'Apeles'z house just enjoy the viuw past present future whit hope..^^ be blessed ''

from women name ina germeny...Before I will go into details, I want to underline:
Vian was an amazing host. Already before I arrived, he was so anxious to inform
me about Tomohon,the area around and Indonesien standards. In addition he gives
me some advice how to get there and what i have to notice. Yeah, i really felt
safe and welcome. And also during my stay (i was there for three nights) he
took such an offer, showing me around and to help me planning my trip. Apart
from that vian provided me an insight into the local live. By visiting his
family, i also come in contact with locals and i didn't feel lonely anymore.
For me it was such an amazing time: i had a nice quiet room, tasty food and i
got to know so hearty people. I really want to thank you!!! So if you want to
become acquainted with the tradition of the minahasa culture, you have to stay
with vian. I can promise, you will enjoy it!
and u can check at you tube addres for some viuw
AND thengs my new frends khafid from bandung for the drone and 20 minute viuw from sky, b'cos of it i can see from the top of my home apeles'z house area in kinilow a lot viuw like...1. at day and nigth ligth around kinilow area/landscape and, 2. go to North for manado viuw,sea viuw and, 3. go to East can see mahawu,high hills and, 4.go South for city tomohon and, 5.go West for lokon mounth and... plus a tondano lake,rock mining,bamboo handy craft area at street and sea of manado include old manado island and other mounthein and crater of locon whit full viuw 360' degree and other els landscape etc....totaly a blessed above from lovely creator ..^^ thengs..have a good time for all..
mount lokon (124.8327,1.3633) 2016.11.04
gps (124.8462,1.3643,18) barometer : 490.0
iso :100 shutter : 640 ev : 0 fnum : f2.8..
apeles'z house drone 1.36318 124.83275
it was 'Apeles'z house just enjoy the viuw past present future whit hope..^^ be blessed ''