Minggu, 28 Juli 2024

my update for this years 2024 ... the filosofi it was simpel ' have know and make new frends b'cos we all only a traveler on this planet earth given as blessed from above' ...fast respond whats up me (+62) 085240109300 vian togas

my update for this years 2024 ... the filosofi it was simpel ' have know and make new frends b'cos we all only a traveler on this planet earth given as blessed from above' ...fast respond whats up me (+62) 085240109300 vian togas

..so I live 3,5km below crater mounth lokon and it was a simpel two flor minahasa tradisional old wood house and mybe be cos the viuw and get  the local fealing to alive stay close to activ vulcanic locon mounth the home it was about 3,5km from activ crater ,so u will alweisy,offcourse if you luck mybe you will wake up se every morning see stem come out from crater vulcanic lokon as your air breath..^^...come and stay whit us in local simpel, normal minahasa area vilage kinilow city tomohon north sulawesi indonesia...and i only open it for internasional guest,student,famely,frends be blesses pakatuan wo pkalawirzen terus umur panjang dan sejahtera ...

and my home/simpel extra room for guest house as a start point to explore Tomohon tourism and every thing about tomohon like culiner,culture,nature ect.^^ 

in pic my new family 2024 mr pierre and family kids wife sister and elias and vivian danke blessed

and the tourism information center still free....tourism global  digitals true social media or whats up me (+62) 085240109300 
my digital id vian togas








and for my family homestay... the homestay due to not good economic and inflation situation afther pandemic covid 2020/21/22 this open new post pandemic seasson 2023/2024 back to the standard economical rooms, just one economical room for $10 dollars for 1 days... in one room, a simple separate room.. in one room with beds and mattresses.... separate bathroom with a squat toilet in another room...thanks be blessed

and this agustus we also gone have Tomohon International Flower Festival (TIFF),and the tournament of flowers in 10 agustus 2024 a story about beauty, cultural diversity, colorfulness, harmony, happiness and the spirit of mutual cooperation that is woven together, reflects the uniqueness of Tomohon as a City of Flowers. Featuring a series of parades of beautiful flower ornamental vehicles that invite the admiration of visitors. With this uniqueness, the hope and power of all elements of this small town to achieve big dreams.

In 2024, the 12th TIFF carries the theme "Moving Forward, Getting Stronger" and will be the foundation for the community to continue to "Move Forward" to become "Getting Stronger" in the global competition scene. TIFF will feature a more interesting and spectacular parade of flower floats, and also hold a more prospective and dynamic Floriculture and Investment exhibition

more info 

TIFF 2024 - tiff.tomohon.go.id


Rabu, 25 Oktober 2023

100% persen bebas semarak rasa natal di tanah minahasa raya blessed

100% persen bebas semarak rasa natal di tanah minahasa raya blessed

in pic start whit a foto essay trip christmes thematic by euro start foto 1-120. then afther 120 foto was some my localy & global colection foto albums for christmes all offer the worlds...the christmes world in planet earth good days be blessed whit jesus christ love imanuel

christmes thematic 1-120 by euro cergam cerita gambar foto essay foto story
bule mr ger markentos and mam ellen and euro girls laura and world travel mundo
itenery :
family local house minahasa.mountain lokon viuw.cokiee christmes.
church song.christmes decoration tree etc.extrem market.linow lake then lake tondano and family christmes gatherings.and local santa clause senter klas we call it plus suater pit..then bukit inspirasi.etc

1-120 story essy foto of christmes atmosfer nuance in land minahasa raya tanah minahasa raya 

then other afther 120 foto was some my localy & global colection foto albums for christmes all offer the worlds...good day be blessed

the christmes world in planet earth good days be blessed local & global



world free tourism info

catalog tourism wisata

some my quote
ini lah hasilnya kalau di tempat ada...anda memiliki masyarakat jemaat gereja dan penduduk serta pemerintah nya yang baik bagus...maka anda akan mendapatkan 100% nuansa kebebasan untuk menyemarakan nuansa memasuki hari hari besar natal....semarak nuansa natal yang penuh kebahagiaan bebas  kebebasan untuk menyemarakan merasakan menikmati mengeluarkan dan mewujudkan ide ide apa saja untuk merayakan natal.nyaman aman tentram ramah penuh keceriaan ..." 100% feal free for christmes. in open live"..."100 % rasa bebas natal di kehidupan yang terbuka" ..dengan 100% kebebasan ber expresi dan mendekorasi nuansa natal di rumah dan ruang umum public sesuka kreatifitas anda ..tidak ada rasa terkekang terkurung cemas was was kuatir tertekan takut untuk menyemarakan natal secara terbuka....bahkan di sini sulawesi utara bisa sejak september sampai tahun berikutnya di bulan february...selamat datang di tanah minahasa raya austronesia indopasific...be blessed pakatuan wo pakalawiren alweisy long live and prosper...

this is the result in you place...when or if you have a civilsociety whit church congregation and citizen and the government that was so good ... then you will get 100% freedom to brighten up the atmosphere nuance of entering the big day of Christmas...the lively feel of Christmas, full of happiness. free freedom to expose experience explore make some christmes decoratif any things that creatif link to christmes .comfortable .safe. peaceful. friendly. full of joy." 100% feal free for christmes in open live"....with 100% freedom of expression and decoration Christmas nuances at home and in public spaces according to your creativity ..there is no feeling of being confined, worried, afraid.oppressed. of celebrating Christmas openly..its up to your crativity to have apply you christmes atmosphere...like her in North Sulawesi,...it can be strat from September until next year in February...so welcome to the land of Minahasa Raya, Austronesia, Indopacific...be blessed Pakatuan wo Pakalawiren Alweisy long live and prosper

Senin, 31 Juli 2023

kebijakan baru rumah wisata apelez house vian togas 4.0 years 2023

kebijakan baru rumah wisata apelez house vian togas 4.0

mari jo ka kota tomohon international flowers festifal walkings togather rissing togather..lets go come to city tomohon

allons venir en ville tomohon tomohon international flowers festifal walkings togather rissing togather..allons venir en ville tomohon

and plus my new
kebijakan baru rumah wisata apelez house vian togas 4.0 era pasca pandemic era endemic 2023...pada dasarnya ketika anda tinggal di rumah wisata saya ...anda harus bisa mengurus keperluan anda sendiri dan melayani diri anda sendiri dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi local yang ada...sebab karna pandemic layanan interaksi manusia menjadi susah dan pasca pandemic karna inflasi biaya kerja menjadi sangat mahal di indonesia...hal ini yang membuat banyak usaha pariwisata harus berpikir kembali untuk mengatur kebijakan mereka seperti rumah wisata saya dimana anda harus bisa mengatur sendiri dan  informasi di rumah wisata saya berobah menjadi digital dan anda harus bisa menjaga diri anda sendiri dan menyesuaikan dengan kondisi yang ada...belajar memahami menghargai budaya cara hidup kebiasaan dan kondisi rumah orang minahasa dan cara hidupnya... semoga beruntung dan nikmatilah alam budaya pemandangan indah daan menu ragam makanan minuman kesenian dan banyak sekali nuansa indah yang di berkati.. peradaban minahasa di tanah minahasa yang terletak di utara semenanjung pulau sulawesi zona asean pasific austronesia indo dan tentu saja selamat menikmati rumah wisata apelez house 4.0 vian togas era dunia pasca pandemic era endemic dan juga setiap bulan agustus sekitar tanggal 8 sampai 12 kami memiliki banyak acara festival bunga selama bulan ini dan pada tanggal 12 kami memiliki turnamen bunga ada banyak hal yang dapat Anda tonton secara gratis yang disajikan oleh pemerintah kota tomohon walikota kami yang baik dan bagus juga tim jadi sampai ketemu...mari jo ka kota tomohon...so se you....good day be blessed...pakatuan wo pakalawiren a local words of the minahasanese means alweisy have long live and prosper selalu panjang umur dan sejahtera

the new policy for the tourist house of the apelez house vian togas 4.0 in the post-pandemic era, the endemic era ... basically when you stay at my tourist house ... you have to be able to take care of your own needs and serve yourself and adapt to existing local conditions .. .because of the pandemic human interaction services have become difficult and post-pandemic because of inflation the cost of work has become very expensive in Indonesia...this is what makes many tourism businesses have to think again about regulating their policies like my travel house where you have to be able to manage yourself and information at my tourist home I changed to digital and you have to be able to take care of yourself and adapt to existing conditions...learn to understand the culture of the way of life, the habits and conditions of the Minahasa people's homes and their way of life... good luck and enjoy nature, culture, food drink art many scenery beutyfull place and more lots of beautiful nuances blessed by the Minahasa civilization on the land of Minahasa which is located in the north of the peninsula of the island of Sulawesi, the Asean Pacific Austronesian zone, Indo and of course, enjoy the tourist house of the Appleez House 4.0 vian togas, the post-pandemic world era, the endemic era and also every mounth agustus around 8 to 12 we have flower festival lots event during this month and at 12 we have the flower tournament sa lots things u can wacth for free presented by our lovely great mayor of  city tomohon..so se you..mari jo ka kota tomohon lets go to city tomohon... good day be blessed...pakatuan wo pakalawiren a local words of the minahasanese means alweisy have long live and prosper always live long and prosper

Senin, 01 Agustus 2022

tomohon greets the world & the world greet back bule tiphany ausy 2022 itenery trip

tomohon greets the world and the worlds greets back..good job my gov tomohon be blessed ...

tiphany gosford ausy 2022  ...and danke to for the hospitalety pa lurah and staf for the selfi and taman tiff kantor kelurahan kinilow raya 🍻🍻🍻

full video



mam tiphny itenery is like this

1.apelez house austronesia minahasa house

2.walacea minahasa story road trip a cross beuty vilage minahasa

3.ring bels & zending story church zending gmim from dutch made in apolda jermeny story abad 18/19

4.my nature in my homestay viuw delicious om anis balakama good for vegans

5.mith stairy way to heaven story tangga langit gunung lokon dan gunung empung

6.taman bunga kantor lurah kinilow raya my mayor kinilow and staff in office ready for tomohon flower festifas 2022 and yes they realy ready to greets the worlds...well done good jobsn

7.local culinery pala boi nini om hengky

8.local culinary stela

9.anyaman bambu kinilow oma lan family dan belajar menganyam cako lotto bulu bambu anyaman tombulu austronesia minahasa

11.kukis minahasa kios pangalila ichi and roti aling

12.taman bunga tiff kinilow 1

13.ragey zona om darling

14.1000 salib gereja katholik

15.bunga2 kios kaskasen opa cinse dst

16.tika homestay kakaskasen

next lokon and many more...

17.early morning whit guide jotje to m.lokon and lake linow be blessed

plus some story vid...

mam tphny like organic minahasa herbs balakama food she say it was strong like lemon and also try black coffee minahasa,she say its strong delicious...and some familybtalks whit my moms and sister about a compair ausy sallery for dentist price for 1 tooth is 5 million rupiah on ausy dentis... also if u are psychologist the minimum price for 3 days works 5 hour open counseling for 1 weeks is 10million rupiah 10 million salary counseling 3 days a week 5 hours per day minimum...thats lots off money compair to rupiah indo kurensy

some note

Tomohon and the mountains are in the altitude range of 800-900-1000 so it's good if you come from lowland cities 100m above sea level you need to get used to the air conditions of the highlands tomohon Minahasa before going up the mountains...need to adjust to the air first on Minahasa high land be blessed