Minggu, 02 Mei 2021

my world global tourism center apeles house partner whit nice smart minahasan girls margareth tilaar for her master tesis in sweden whit case study tourism in c-19 corone time 2020.... good day be blessed have a nice sunday

World Global Free Tourism Center Apeles'Z House Minahasa Celebes Indonesia

my world global tourism center apeles house partner whit nice smart minahasan girls margareth tilaar for her master tesis in sweden whit case study tourism in c-19 corone time 2020.... good day be blessed have a nice sunday

The Tourism Industry in A Developing Destination in Time of Crisis:...
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The Tourism Industry in A Developing Destination in Time of Crisis: The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on The Tourism Industry in North Sulawesi, Indonesia
Tilaar, Margaritifera Jennifer Ignatia
Uppsala University, Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology, Technology, Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering.
2020 (English)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesisAbstract [en]
The tourism industry is a developing industry that has the risk of facing various challenges in the form of crisis. World Health Organization (WHO) announced the COVID-19 pandemic on March 11th, 2020 that caused disruption in people's mobility across the world in order to reduce the infection rate. Many industries were affected by this, especially the tourism industry as it relies on people traveling to different places to run. The World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) already made initial assessment to see the potential economic impact. The result helped the general population to understand the scale of impact of the crisis. However, business owners need to understand how it affects the contingency of their business. This research conducted a study towards business owners in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, as a developing destination, to assess the impact to the businesses through the five components of Service Management System (SMS) model. The result shows how big the impact is, which is in line with the initial assessment from economic perspective by UNWTO, where three out of five components of SMS are impacted with minimum space for workaround.
2020.Degree Project in Sustainable Destination Development,entrepreneurship, tourism, crisis, developing destinationNational CategoryOther Social Sciences.Sustainable Destination DevelopmentEducational programMaster Programme in Sustainable Destination Development
Lindström, Göran
Persson-Fischier, Ulrika
Available from: 2020-06-15 Created: 2020-06-10 Last updated: 2020-06-15Bibliographically approved

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